What can you expect when you fly your brand new JFX 2 for the first time?
First time flying a crossbraced wing? Your shaking hands will be steadied by the most predictable opening you’ve ever experienced, intuitive flight characteristics and stacks of flare.

The JFX2 is the smoothest transition to high performance wings. Loaded light or heavy she delivers consistently. If you’ve flown a JFX before you can expect a mix of the familiar with the new. The JFX 2 builds on all the positive vibes you got from your JFX, with the addition of more “energy”.

Who is the JFX 2 for?
The JFX 2 is perfect for experienced 9-cell elliptical pilots already pushing their wingloading on a non-crossbraced wing, who are looking for their first crossbraced canopy (with the supervision of a canopy coach) to expand their piloting skills safely. She’s a wonderful all-rounder that packs a serious punch for the weekend warrior, the team jumper, or the full time camera flyer.

Forget the stigma attached to crossbraced canopies – JFX 2 openings are predictable, soft and not scary! Reliable, consistent and stunning as always, openings are the ace card of this canopy.

Harness Inputs
Inputs are light and instinctive, and very responsive. She can be flown entirely on harness with ease – we actually prefer to fly a lot of harness with the JFX 2.

Powerful and responsive even at the bottom end – even more so than the original JFX.

Stall Point
The slow flight characteristics are hugely improved from the original JFX. The stall points is slower and lower – get plenty of feedback and warning, both on toggles and rears.

You can trust them! You feel very connected and it’s stable enough to give you fair warning before stalling. Rears are light and instinctive, the perfect option for long swoops.

Loaded high, lightly and even underloaded (light girls transitioning onto crossbraced wings, we feel your pain!), you’ll love the feedback of the JFX 2 fronts. You’re gonna need to slow the canopy down a little before your turn to reduce the pressure, but they are very effective for getting into the dive.

There is more than just a subtle improvement here – the wing feels fresh and re-energised. The JFX 2 is fun and predictable from opening to landing. Loaded lightly or highly you’ll never feel too far out of your comfort zone.

The dive on the JFX 2 is longer than the original JFX, but not as long as Leia. It’s easy to get this thing into a dive and maintain it. And with a slow, predictable (and easily adjustable) recovery arc, the JFX 2 is ideal to get those bigger rotations dialed in.

The bottom end flare is immense! Overall, the JFX 2 has more range and has the ability to fly slower – which means it stalls later, and has more flare. Trust us, you won’t feel like you’re lacking stopping power. Just another ace card retained (and improved) from the original JFX.

For custom designs or questions please contact us through shop@k-leef.com

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3.750,00 inc. VAT

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